Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bad news, cool news!

So the bad news first, i really did weigh more than the wii-fit originally recorded. After returning home i put the feet on the wii-fit and sadly i did not loose the 29 lbs that i 'gained' after doing a body test on a hardwood floor vs my carpeted floor (without the feet attached)... Worse even it reported an additional 1.8 lb gain! But to be fair that was after a hearty memorial day grillout with a big fat ribeye steak...

So now the wii thinks i need to loose 30 lbs in the next 2 weeks to reach my goal (which i originally set to 5 lbs every 2 weeks) i am hoping it re-adjusts after the 2 week point, but we will have to see...

There does not seem to be a graceful way to correct this type of data error. It would be nice to allow the user to delete a bad test day, say if someone else does a test on your mii, or if this type of situation occurs...

Now the good news! Not really wii-fit news, but nintendo just added a nintendo channel to the wii store, which allows you to watch promo videos of new and upcomming wii games. The cool part of this is that it has a DS Download section, which has a bunch of demo games you can download over the air to your DS(if you have a child under 16 you probably have one of these in your house...) i played the Iron man demo game while cooling down from my wii-rkout (for like an hour!) very cool...


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