Thursday, May 29, 2008

Went swimming instead...but mastered the bubble game!

So instead of doing a wii-rkout today, I did a swim workout at the local pool. I had done competitive swimming in high school and was pretty good swimmer... but I haven't really done a proper swim workout in probably 20 years... good thing there was a swim coach and some friends (one who is a swim coach as well...) to make sure I got a proper workout.

We did around 1700 yards in 1 hour, (less the ones I had to skip to catch my breath...). So when I returned home, I added the activity to the wii-fit activity log. It wasn't too hard to find, go look at the progress graph, then click the activity log button. You can add time you spend on other exersises, and it considers (thru example) swimming to be a hard exercise, which basically doubles the time in the log. So now my log show 2 hrs & 15 minutes.... here is what I did with the 15 minutes...

I had to see if there was an additional level on the bubble break game. Last night I made it to the goal and unlocked the Advanced version, which is the same river, but the bees are more aggressive. It took me 15 minutes (and tries), but I did it, I made to the goal on the advanced level! Unfortunatly, nothing was unlocked due to my efforts... I was hoping for an Expert level or something, with a different river or obstacles or something... hopefully we will see level upgrades for wii-fit comming thru the online store.

Oh, also today when I took a walk on my lunch break (I work in the downtown loop of Chicago). I saw a woman showing a friend the warrior stance... I didn't ask, but I figured she was explaining how cool the wii-fit is in the process.


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